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  • info@enrichglobalexport.com
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Camphor is a powder that originally came from the bark and wood of the camphor tree. Today, most camphor is synthetic. It’s in some products that are applied to the skin, including FDA-approved treatments. It’s a common ingredient in remedies applied to the skin for cough and skin irritation.
Camphor helps in killing germs. It is also an excellent way to purify the air in the surroundings of your home. Burning camphor or Kapoor regularly is an effective way to eliminate germs from your household. Artificial room fresheners, which are commonly used, contain a harmful chemical known as phthalates.
Camphor can be a very effective remedy for keeping the dengue mosquitoes away. Just burn some camphor in your home and keep all doors and windows closed. It will help in killing all the mosquitoes in your house and keep dengue and malaria at bay